• AMSilk GmbH
  • Am Klopferspitz 19
  • 82152 Planegg/Martinsried
  • Germany
  • Phone: +49 (0)89/579 53 93-0
  • Fax: +49 (0)89/579 53 93-30
  • pr@amsilk.com
Ulrich Scherbel, CEO

Ulrich Scherbel, CEO

About AMSilk

AMSilk GmbH is the world’s first industrial supplier of vegan silk biopolymers and has its headquarters in Planegg near Munich, Germany. AMSilk’s high-performance biopolymers have the unique functional properties of the natural product they are based on. AMSilk offers its innovative range of high-performance Biosteel® fibers for textiles and industrial applications worldwide and has announced collaborations and partnerships with world leading brands including  Mercedes-Benz Adidas, Omega, Polytech Health & Aesthetics and Airbus. The organic high-performance material can be used in multiple ways and is suitable for medical devices as well as for personal care products. AMSilk’s high-performance biopolymers give such products unique properties. Among other things, the polymers are biocompatible, safe and robust, and certified vegan.

What is your motivation?

AMSilk Fiber started producing Biosteel® fiber in 2015: the very first high-performance fiber with true environmental integrity that is very robust and biodegradable at the end of the life cycle An innovative product such as biotechnological produced silk also has the potential to replace established products and to change entire industries in the long term. Neither science nor the chemical industry succeeded in producing spider silk synthetically before. Prof. Thomas Scheibel, co-founder of AMSilk, developed a method to produce spider silk proteins with bacteria and to produce silk from plant raw materials with the help of bacterial fermentation. AMSilk’s Biosteel® silk-based fiber is able to play an important role in the transition of the established industry towards a resource-saving economy. The next goals are to obtain CE-mark for products coated with Biosteel® silk-based fiber in the field of medical technology. Within its textile business interesting products are close to market introduction and will soon be available for the end customer.

“IZB has been our home base since 2011 and is a top location to expand effectively from basic research to application. AMSilk is now in a new phase of business, industrial scaling and strong growth. Therefore, we have been looking for a new larger biotech location close to IZB to be sure that we continue to have our employees, who are our biggest asset, on board.”

Ulrich Scherbel (CEO)
Dr. Lin Römer (CSO)
Arne Treinies (CFO)

AMSilk is a privately-held company that develops, manufactures and markets innovative cosmetic ingredients, novel applications and coatings for medical technology products as well as technical fibers on a worldwide basis.

Functional silk is biocompatible and can be used in various applications, for example in specialized coatings and other products in medical technology. Like most biopolymers, silk has evolved over millions of years resulting in a combination of properties that far exceed any man-made material. AMSilk has developed a proprietary process for producing this unique biopolymer and is the leader in the subsequent production and processing of the material