IZBrunch – Science meets Science

The IZBrunch is a networking event in which the managing directors of the IZB start-ups and the stakeholders of the Campus Martinsried/Großhadern exchange ideas in an informal atmosphere. This event usually takes place on the last Thursday of the month at the Faculty Club G2B (Gateway to Biotech), which is located in the heart of the Martinsried Campus on the grounds of the Biotechnology Innovation and Start-up Center.

At each event, a professor from a campus institute or a director from the Max Planck Institutes of Biochemistry/Neurobiology and an IZB start-up present their respective research. After the lectures, guests have the opportunity to discuss the topic in more detail with the speaker during a business lunch. Thus, the IZBrunch has established itself in recent years as a very popular networking event on campus.

The event is limited to 60 people. Prior registration is absolutely necessary. Please send it to the following email address: koehler@izb-online.de