IZBrunch – Science meets Science
The IZBrunch is a networking event in which the managing directors of the IZB start-ups and the stakeholders of the Campus Martinsried/Großhadern exchange ideas in an informal atmosphere. This event usually takes place on the last Thursday of the month at the Faculty Club G2B (Gateway to Biotech), which is located in the heart of the Martinsried Campus on the grounds of the Biotechnology Innovation and Start-up Center.
At each event, a professor from a campus institute or a director from the Max Planck Institutes of Biochemistry/Neurobiology and an IZB start-up present their respective research. After the lectures, guests have the opportunity to discuss the topic in more detail with the speaker during a business lunch. Thus, the IZBrunch has established itself in recent years as a very popular networking event on campus.
The event is limited to 60 people. Prior registration is absolutely necessary. Please send it to the following email address: koehler@izb-online.de
Who attends?
Faculty Club members, directors and research group leaders of the Max Planck Institutes, LMU professors, managing directors and board members of the IZB companies, and executives of the Martinsried/Großhadern campus.
Face2Face event with keynote speeches (15 min.) plus Q&A followed by business lunch
10:45 a.m. to 1 p.m.
in the IZB Residence CAMPUS AT HOME
Am Klopferspitz 21
82152 Planegg/Martinsried
Registration: koehler@izb-online.de
Due to the Corona distance rules, only 30 guests can participate in the event. We therefore ask for timely cancellation so that interested parties can move up. Thank you very much!
IZBrunch on January 28, 2025 (German version only)
Female Leadership in Biotech
Im September 2024 waren die Vorstände der 160 in DAX, MDAX und SDAX notierten Unternehmen mit 559 Männern und 137 Frauen besetzt. Auch in der Biotech-Branche sind deutlich mehr Männer als Frauen in Führungspositionen vertreten – und das, obwohl der Anteil der weiblichen Studierenden in Fächern wie Chemie, Biologie und Pharmazie bei rund 50 Prozent und mehr liegt. Es ist also dringend erforderlich, die Sichtbarkeit und Chancen von Frauen in Führungspositionen im Biotech-Bereich und darüber hinaus zu stärken.
Wir laden Sie daher herzlich zu einem inspirierenden Austausch ein. Freuen Sie sich auf eine spannende Diskussionsrunde mit:
Die Referentinnen
Dr. Laura Figulla gründete im Laufe ihrer Karriere coramaze technologies und war Mitbegründerin von devie medical gmbh. Sie ist Mitbegründerin der mbiomics GmbH, die sie seit 2020 als CEO leitet.
Dr. Fei Tian gehört zum Investment-Team von MIG Capital und ist dort Expertin im Bereich Healthcare. Sie verfügt über einen profunden Hintergrund in Medizin und Biologie sowie in der Venture-Capital-Industrie.
Dr. Gundel Hager ist Entrepreneurin, Managerin und Beraterin in der Biotech-Branche. Im Laufe ihrer Karriere war sie unter anderem erfolgreich als Geschäftsführerin des IZB-Alumni Crelux (a WuXi AppTec) tätig.
Dominik Schumacher
CEO Tubulis
Kerstin Schreyer, Staatsministerin a.D. und bayerische Landtagsabgeordnete und Christian Gnam, IZB-Geschäftsführer
Christian Gnam
Geschäftsführer, IZB
Gemeinsam sprechen wir über Chancen, Herausforderungen und Wege zu mehr Diversität und weiblicher Führung in der Biotechnologie und darüber hinaus.
Die Anzahl der Plätze ist auf 45 Teilnehmende begrenzt. Männliche Gäste sind herzlich willkommen!
Archive: IZBrunch on November 28, 2024
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Dr. med. Sophia Stock
… is a medical researcher in the group of Prof. Marion Subklewe and a postdoctoral fellow in the group of Prof. Sebastian Kobold at the University Hospital of Munich (LMU).
Topic: Potential of adapter CAR T cells for an optimized Immunotherapy
CAR T cell therapy has achieved encouraging results for treating B and plasma cell diseases but faces challenges like therapy-associated toxicities, antigen heterogeneity and antigen escape. Adapter CAR T cells aim to address these issues by using a CAR-adapter molecule which recognizes the tumor antigen. This indirect tumor binding allows better control of the CAR T cell activation and enables sequential, transient, or simultaneous targeting of multiple antigens. Therefore, adapter CAR T cells have the potential to overcome recent limitations of CAR T cell therapy and can further improve this promising treatment approach.
Dr. Ulf Grawunder
… is CEO and co-founder of IZB-based start-up T-CURX. T-CURX is focusing on the development and commercialization of next-generation CAR-T cell therapies for cancer indications with high medical needs. The proprietary CAR-T technologies involve a non-viral, transposon-based gene transfer of the CAR receptor into the patient’s autologous T cells. The non-viral production of CAR-T cells is a key unique selling point for a fast, cost-efficient, safe, and patient-centered manufacturing method, including the production of CAR-T cells directly at the patient’s bedside.
Topic: Transformative CAR-T Therapies and Promises of going “in vivo”
Welcome & Moderation
Christian Gnam
Managing Director, IZB
News from the IZB
Archive: IZBrunch on October 2, 2024
“IZBrunch Investment Special” – “Go Big: How to Attract US Investors?”
9:45 AM to 12:30 PM, IZB Faculty Club
This time, the IZBrunch will focus entirely on financing: What do start-ups need to do to attract US investors, and which factors should be considered when bringing them on board? Two experts with strong ties to both the US and the DACH region will share their insights: Charlie Cameron, an investment specialist and Dean Farmer, a leading patent strategist in the life sciences sector. Both based in Boston, they bring extensive insight from years of experience in the field.
Following their engaging presentations, a panel discussion will feature Anne Burger, CFO of CatalYm, and Dominik Schumacher, CEO of Tubulis. Both companies recently closed successful funding rounds involving US investors.
Look forward to gaining valuable insights and practical advice directly from the experts!
Dean Farmer
Patent Strategist
Charles Cameron
Investment Specialist
Anne Burger
CFO CatalYm
Dominik Schumacher
CEO Tubulis
Your Hosts
Christian Gnam
Managing Director, IZB
Dr. Christoph Eckert
Project Manager, BioM
Archive: IZBrunch on June 27, 2024
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Prof. Dr. Matthias Hebrok
Director, Institute for Diabetes and Organoid Technology (IDOT) and Professor and Chair for Applied Stem Cell and Organoid Systems, School of Medicine, Technical University Munich (TUM)
Topic: Organoids in Human Medicine
Rapid developments in human stem cell research have recently made it possible to create organoids, organ-like structures, de novo to analyse the development, function and organ diseases from outside the body. In my talk, I will present the application of organoid technology for diabetes cell therapy.
Prof. Dr. med. Clemens von Schacky
Managing Director Omegametrix
Topic: Omegametrix’ Fatty acid analysis – a significant leap forward
The conventional nutritional research utilises methods such as dietary questionnaires, which yield data with a plausibility of 50% and employ outdated methods. We invented, designed and developed the Omegametrix-method to determine a person‘s status of fatty acids. This is a strictly standardized analysis of the respective percentage of 26 fatty acids in erythrocytes, which approximately 420 publications are based on. In the course of the talk, I will present this analytical method and explain how we have opened a new chapter in fatty acid research.
Welcome / Moderation
Christian Gnam
Managing Director of the IZB
News from the IZB
Archive: IZBrunch on April 25, 2024
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Prof. Dr. Karsten Borgwardt
Director of the Research Department Machine Learning and Systems Biology at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry
Topic: Machine Learning and the Future of Bioinformatics
For decades, bioinformatics has worked to extract new knowledge from the vast databases of the life sciences. In recent years, machine learning, often referred to as artificial intelligence, has enabled previously almost unimaginable breakthroughs in bioinformatics. In my talk, I will outline the contributions to date and the plans of my research group at the interface of machine learning and bioinformatics.
Christian Pangratz | CEO Atriva Therapeutics GmbH
Dr. Christian Wallasch | CDO/COO Atriva Therapeutics GmbH
Topic: Host-cell targets in infectious diseases – a innovative and viable alternative to direct acting antivirals
ATRIVA is pursuing a pioneering approach to combat virus-induced respiratory diseases. Our presentation will delve into the observation that the proliferation of many ssRNA-viruses relies on host-cell MEK-inhibition, shedding light on the development of the first orally available MEK-inhibitor for the treatment of severe influenza. Join us for a detailed exploration of our research and development work and its potential implications for future epidemic and pandemic preparedness.
Welcome / Moderation
Christian Gnam
Managing Director of the IZB
News from the IZB
Archive: IZBrunch on November 30, 2023
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Dr. med. Andrea Schmidts
Emmy Noether Group Leader, TranslaTUM & Medicine III – Hematology/Oncology, Technical University of Munich
Topic: Novel approaches to tackle resistance to CAR-T cell therapy.
My Emmy Noether group focuses on understanding and combating cancer cell resistance to CAR-T cell therapy. We aim to improve this innovative therapeutic approach and extend it to a broader patient population in clinical practice.
Dr. Patrick Großmann
CEO and Co-Founder Invitris GmbH
Topic: The power of cell-free synthesis
Invitris is leveraging the power of cell-free synthesis to develop novel therapeutic drugs. To achieve this, Invitris built a technology platform, Phactory, with cell-free synthesis in its core that includes machine learning and automation components. Using this platform, they have, for the first time, achieved to break the dependence of bacteriophages on their respective bacterial host, leading to unprecedented scale in development & production. This lecture explains how Phactory helps companies develop protein-based drugs more efficiently, more cost-effective, and with novel functions.
Begrüßung & Moderation
Dr. Peter Hanns Zobel
Managing Director of the IZB
News from the IZB
Archive: IZBrunch on June 29, 2023
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Prof. Dr. Karl Duderstadt
Head of the Research Group „Structure and Dynamics of Molecular Machines“, MPI of Biochemistry
Topic: Imaging the machines that reshape and remake chromosomes
High spatial and temporal resolution imaging approaches allow us to watch molecular pathways unfold in real time. We are using these methods to uncover the dynamic events during conflicts on chromosomes that can lead to misregulation and disease. We see a surprising resilience in the machines responsible for chromosome maintenance and the molecular consequences when things go wrong.
Jens Klein
Founder & CEO Insempra GmbH
Topic: How Insempra combines life science and technology to make matter for new, better and more sustainable products on an industrial scale
Companies have relied on chemical production processes and petrochemicals for too long, depleting our planet‘s limited resources. Insempra‘s mission is to drive the regenerative revolution to collaborate with nature to produce new more sustainable ingredients for numerous products on an industrial scale. Insempra aims to drive a new regenerative mindset and collective action. The time to restore balance between people and planet has come.
Welcome / Moderation
Dr. Peter Hanns Zobel
Managing Director of the IZB
News from the IZB
Archive: IZBrunch on May 25, 2023
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Dr. Dominik Schumacher
CEO Tubulis
Topic: Our path to pharma partnership: positioning Tubulis in the highly competitive ADC market
Tubulis entered into a strategic partnership with Bristol Myers Squibb in April 2023 to develop next-generation ADCs in oncology. The deal includes an upfront payment of $22.75 million to Tubulis and milestone payments of more than $1 billion.
Prof. Julian Grünewald
Topic: CRISPR therapies for a new era of genomic medicine
The first approval of a CRISPR therapy is expected in 2023. A large number of new gene editing technologies were developed in recent years. Many of these are mechanistically different from the classic “genetic scissors”. This talk will be about the current state of CRISPR technology development and clinical translation.
Welcome / Moderation
Dr. Peter Hanns Zobel
Managing Director of the IZB
News from the IZB
Archive: IZBrunch on April 27, 2023
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Dr. Alejandra Mørk
Topic: Ready for Phase 1? Closing the gaps in development projects
How do you secure sufficient funding in due time? How do you prevent delays in regulatory approval of your clinical trial? How do you ensure supply of drugs for your development program? By identifying potential challenges and addressing gaps, biotech companies can accelerate their development program and increase the chance of getting investors on-board. Alejandra Mørk, CEO at the integrated drug development consultancy KLIFO, will give examples of how to identify gaps and how to access authorities and investors to be cost-effective and deliver results.
Prof. Dr. Thorben Cordes
Physical and Synthetic Biology”, LMU Biozentrum
Topic: Proteins in a shoebox: observing structural dynamics of individual proteins with miniaturized microscopes
Fluorescence imaging techniques allow real-time observation of the structural dynamics of biomacromolecules with high spatial and temporal resolution. We use these methods to elucidate the mechanisms of active membrane transport. Since these are relevant to a wide variety of cellular processes, they represent attractive drug targets. In this talk, I will present the basics of such methods and how they can be used in the future for a wide variety of drug screening applications through a new microscopy building block system.
Welcome / Moderation
Dr. Peter Hanns Zobel
Managing Director of the IZB
News from the IZB
Archive: IZBrunch on February 16, 2023
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Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. M. Subklewe
Senior physician, Head of Immunotherapy in Hematology, LMU – University Hospital Munich
Topic: Evolution in Cancer Therapy: BiTE, CART and Beyond
Bispecific antibodies and CART cells have revolutionized the therapy of various cancers. Numerous T cell recruiting antibodies (n=4) and CART cell products (n=6) are now approved for various lymphoid neoplasms. Current research activities are aimed at improving therapeutic outcomes with a better side effect profile. A review of the last 3 years.
Dr. Garwin Pichler
CEPO Preomics GmbH
Topic: PreOmics – Setting the Standard for Protein Analysis
PreOmics was founded in 2016 by Dr. Garwin Pichler and Dr. Nils A. Kulak as a spin-out company from the laboratory of leading proteomics researcher Prof. Matthias Mann at the MPI of Biochemistry. PreOmics develops and commercializes innovative automation and sample preparation tools and consumables for unbiased, deep proteomics analysis by mass spectrometry globally to leading pharmaceutical companies and academic institutions.
Welcome / Moderation
Dr. Peter Hanns Zobel
Managing Director of the IZB
News from the IZB
Archive: IZBrunch on January 26, 2023
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Christine Schuberth-Wagner
CSO Catalym GmbH
Topic: An introduction of Catalym
Catalym has identified GDF-15 as a central regulator of the immune system in the tumor microenvironment. We are pioneering the reversal of GDF-15-mediated immunosuppression to induce a potent antitumoral immune reaction in non-responsive tumors. CatalYm’s lead program CTL-002 is poised to demonstrate clinical proof-of-concept in multiple solid tumor indications which will expand the treatment horizon for current and future immunotherapies.
Dr. Kikuë Tachibana
Director at the MPI for Biochemistry
Topic: How does life start?
Life begins with a transcriptionally silent embryo that is “awakened” to enable development. Despite the importance of this process, the reprogramming factors that activate embryonic transcription are largely unknown. We recently identified Nr5a2 as a key pioneer factor that awakens the mammalian genome.
Welcome & Moderation
Dr. Peter Hanns Zobel
Managing Director of the IZB
News from the IZB
Archive: IZBrunch on November 24, 2022
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Prof. Elena Conti
Director Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry
Topic: Should it stay or should go: RNA recognition by cellular RNA-degradation machineries
The regulation of gene expression is of fundamental importance to all living organisms and relies on the ability of cells to control the quality and quantity of their RNA repertoire. Eukaryotic cells have an extraordinarily large number of RNA molecules that have different functions. The group of Elena Conti uses biochemical and structural biology approaches to unravel the cellular control mechanisms that monitor and eliminate RNA molecules that are either no longer needed or are aberrant because of deleterious genomic mutations or errors in their production.
Dr. Moritz Völker-Albert
Managing Director EpiQMax
Topic: Epigenetics as a molecular barometer for a healthy lifestyle
EpiQMAx creates a unique and personalized health index based on epigenetic profiling. Based on this index, together with renowned partners, we develop individualized nutrition and exercise recommendations to motivate people for a healthy lifestyle and prevent chronic diseases.
Welcome & Moderation
Dr. Peter Hanns Zobel
Managing Director of the IZB
News from the IZB
Archive: IZBrunch on October 20, 2022
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Prof. Andreas Ladurner
Head of Physiological Chemistry, Biomedical Center of the LMU as well as Managing Director, Founder and CSO Eisbach Bio GmbH
Topic: Hitting molecular machines where they are unique and vulnerable. Enabling allostery for precision oncology
Tumor genomics identifies cancers that are addicted to the activity of specific molecular machines. Also in the clinic, PARP inhibitors exploit the vulnerability of tumors that lack specific DNA repair pathways. This area of “synthetic lethality” holds great promise for targeted medicine, but developing selective drugs is challenging. Eisbach established an allosteric discovery engine that promises to disrupt cancer therapeutics.
Prof. Dr. Ali Ertürk
Director Helmholtz Institute Munich and Prof. LMU Munch
Topic: New start-up 1×1 Biotech: Delivering treatments to right targets
In Ali Ertürk’s group, scientists are developing innovative technologies through medical research. Their goal is to treat complicated diseases like Alzheimer’s, cancer, and diabetes in the next few years, not a few decades. The main goal is to bring together technologies like artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, and even robotics to see how they can accelerate the understanding of complicated diseases. In this way, individual diseases can be researched and a treatment for Alzheimer’s or cancer can be found.
Welcome & Moderation
Dr. Peter Hanns Zobel
Managing Director of the IZB
News of the IZB
Archive: IZBrunch on July 21, 2022
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Prof. Hanna Taipaleenmäki
Institute of Musculoskeletal Medicine (IMM), Musculoskeletal University Center Munich (MUM), University Hospital, LMU Munich
Topic: Novel targets to treat musculoskeletal disorders
Musculoskeletal diseases affect people from children to elderly. At IMM we investigate bone and muscle physiology and pathology combining molecular- and cell biology, pre-clinical models and patient care. Our approach to better understand the disease mechanisms and to identify novel targets to treat musculoskeletal disorders will be discussed during this IZBrunch
Dr. Jonas Helma-Smets
CSO Tubulis GmbH
Topic: Tubulis – Developing the next generation of Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADCs) for targeted cancer therapies
Tubulis has developed a suite of complementary technology platforms for the discovery and development of a new generation of versatile and customizable antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) for targeted cancer therapy. At the heart of our proprietary platforms are completely new conjugation technologies, that allow us to overcome the main limitations of ADC technologies to date.
Welcome & Moderation
Dr. Peter Hanns Zobel
Managing Director of the IZB
News of the IZB
Archive: IZBrunch on June 30, 2022
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Dr. MD PhD Alexander Gebauer
CEO Secarna Pharmaceuticals GmbH & Co. KG
Topic: LNAplus™ antisense oligonucleotides are effective and safe therapeutic modalities for a variety of diseases
The third generation of antisense molecules provides drug developers with a powerful intervention option. Secarna operates a development platform that allows lead candidates against mRNA targets to be rationally identified in a semi-industrial process. This includes in-house bioinformatics analysis, high-throughput screening, and efficacy and safety assays. Secarna has six ongoing partnerships with companies and over ten academic collaborations.
Prof. Magdalena Götz
Director of the Institute of Stem Cell Research at Helmholtz Zentrum München and Chair of Physiological Genomics at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
Topic: A new approach to neuronal replacement therapy
Direct reprogramming of local glial cells into new neurons is a new promising approach to replace dead neurons. This approach was discovered several years ago by Prof. Goetz. She will present the current status of this innovative approach to neuronal replacement therapy at the IZBrunch.
Welcome & Moderation
Dr. Peter Hanns Zobel
Managing Director of the IZB
News from the IZB
Archive: IZBrunch on October 21, 2021
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The speakers
Prof. Nadia Harbeck
Head of the Breast Center of the University of Munich (Comprehensive Cancer Center CCC LMU), Head of interdisciplinary tumor board for breast cancer, Professor for Conservative Oncology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU)
Topic: Opportunities and risks of integrating eHealth into oncology therapy management
Oral therapies are becoming increasingly common in oncology and require interprofessional patient management, with close communication with the care team critical to treatment success. eHealth Support improves treatment adherence, patient satisfaction, and prognosis. New legislation now enables the prescription of digital health applications (DIGAs) in Germany. The interactive eHealth application CANAKDO is being used and further developed in the care of breast cancer patients in everyday clinical practice and in studies.
Dr. Jens Ruhe
CEO SciRhom GmbH
Topic: Targeting iRhom2 – a new paradigm for the treatment of autoimmune diseases
SciRhom develops first-in-class therapeutic antibodies against iRhom2, As a key regulator of TACE, iRhom2 activates several pro-inflammatory pathways, including TNF-alpha signaling. Our antibodies allow to simultaneously block these disease-causing pathways, promising significant improvement over current autoimmune therapies.
Welcome & Moderation
Dr. Peter Hanns Zobel
Managing Director, IZB
News from the IZB
Archive: IZBrunch from September 23, 2021
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Prof. Dr. Olivia Merkel
Department of Pharmacy, LMU Munich
Theme: Inhalation therapy and prevention of respiratory virus infections with siRNA
The COVID19 pandemic has highlighted that we need better antiviral therapies, especially for respiratory viral diseases. We have developed inhalation therapies consisting of siRNA nanoparticles which inhibit
the viral genome of coronaviruses. The advantage over vaccination is the therapeutic index for virus variants and new coronaviruses.
Ulrich Scherbel
Managing Director AMSilk GmbH
Theme: Shaping the future with silk proteins for products in various industries
AMSilk GmbH is the leading company in the world to produce silk biopolymers using biotechnological processes on an industrial scale, which have all the functional properties of natural silk. The silk biopolymers are sold in the form of suspensions, hydrogel,powder or as fibers. In addition to its use in the coating of medical technology products and in the apparel industry, exciting new markets are being developed.
Dr. Peter Hanns Zobel
Managing Director of the IZB
News of the IZB
Registration for the IZBrunch
Contact Person
Marion Köhler
Phone.: +49 (0)89 - 55 279 48 17