3D bioprinted organs in five years – Dr. Ali Ertürk introduced his new technology at the 10th Biotech Press Lounge at the IZB
Martinsried, February 21, 2019 – The latest research results, projects and strategies at the anniversary: Dr. Ali Ertürk, Group Leader at the Institute for Stroke and Dementia at the Clinic of the Ludwig- Maximilian-University Munich, presented his new technology for producing 3D-printed organs at the tenth Biotech Press Lounge. Dr. Hubert Birner, Managing Partner of TVM Capital GmbH, showed what biotech investors are talking about in 2019. PhD Phil L’Huillier, Head of Business Development Europe & Middle East, MSD Innovation Hub, spoke about cooperation opportunities with MSD and explained the new Discovery Research Center in London. Eva Müller, journalist for Manager Magazine, moderated the event. Dr. Peter Hanns Zobel, Managing Director of the Innovation and Start-up Centre Biotechnology (IZB), welcomed 100 guests from biotech, pharmaceutical and venture capital companies as well as top researchers from the Martinsried Campus at the Faculty Club G2B (Gateway to Biotech).
“We are delighted that top-class scientists and key players from the industry present their forward-looking research results and strategies from the pharmaceutical and venture capital sectors at the Biotech Press Lounge and that multipliers regularly use the event to network,” explained Zobel at the beginning of the event. He also congratulated the IZB companies on their latest deals: Immunic AG made a leap to New York’s Nasdaq, Sirion Biotech GmbH opened an office in Boston following a deal with US pharmaceutical company Denali, and Amsilk GmbH is now cooperating with watch manufacturer Omega. Last but not least, 4GENE GmbH, based at the IZB in Freising, received seven-figure seed financing in January. With the FLAVOR-ON-DEMAND technology platform, the start-up offers bound fragrances and aromas for use in cosmetics, food and industrial applications.
The first speaker was Dr. Hubert Birner, Managing Partner of TVM Capital GmbH, with the topic ” Sleepless in Munich – a clinical phenomenon in the Venture Capital industry “.
Today, Dr. Birner focuses on the overall investment strategy and the fund business of TVM Capital Life Science in North America and Europe and acts as CEO or member of the board of numerous biotech and pharmaceutical companies. As an industry expert, he evaluated the financing transactions in 2018 in the German-speaking region in his presentation. He also presented the biotech fundraising environment for biotechnology companies and investors. His look into the future revealed what venture capital investors will focus on and possible deals in 2019. At the end of his presentation, he evaluated macroeconomic challenges such as Brexit.
PhD Phil L’Huillier, Head of Business Development Europe & Middle East, MSD Innovation Hub, spoke about “Partnering with MSD and plans for the new European Discovery Research Center in UK”.
PhD Phil L’Huillier showed how partnerships and cooperation with MSD can be designed and possible result from it. MSD has also recently opened a new Discovery Research Center in London. Excellent scientific minds are working there on the challenges and sufferings of an ageing society. The center will be headed by PhD Fiona Marshall, one of the world’s leading experts in drug development.
Dr. Ali Ertürk, group leader Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research (ISD), Clinic of the Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich, presented his new technology with the following title: “Transformative technologies to accelerate biomedical research and treat deadly diseases in our life time”.
Dr. Ali Ertürk and his team are working on the development of new imaging technologies, combining artificial intelligence, nanotechnology and engineering. This technology has many applications in both, the pre-clinical and the clinical arena. They generate, for example, a blueprint of human organs, with which a 3D bioprinter can produce organs for transplantation purposes. In addition, the technology is used to map cancer metastases and therapeutic antibodies at single cell level and for a much more detailed diagnosis of biopsy samples from cancer patients.
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Bildunterschrift zum Gruppenfoto der Sprecher:
Redner der Biotech Presse-Lounge im IZB am 21. Februar 2019 (v.l.n.r.):
Dr. Peter Hanns Zobel, Geschäftsführer, Fördergesellschaft IZB mbH
Eva Müller, Journalistin des Manager Magazins
Dr. Ali Ertürk, Gruppenleiter am Institut für Schlaganfall und Demenz, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Dr. Hubert Birner, Managing Partner, TVM Capital GmbH
PhD Phil L’Huillier, Head of Business Development Europe & Middle East, MSD Innovation Hub
Copyright: IZB
Über das Innovations- und Gründerzentrum Biotechnologie (IZB)
Die Fördergesellschaft IZB mbH, im Jahre 1995 gegründet, ist die Betreibergesellschaft der Innovations- und Gründerzentren Biotechnologie in Planegg-Martinsried und Freising-Weihenstephan und hat sich zu einem renommierten Biotechnologiezentrum entwickelt, das zu den Top Ten der Welt gehört. Auf 26.000 m2 sind derzeit über 50 Biotechunternehmen mit über 600 Mitarbeitern angesiedelt. Hier wird an der Entwicklung von Medikamenten gegen schwerste Erkrankungen, wie etwa Krebs, Alzheimer und diversen Autoimmunerkrankungen gearbeitet – und es gibt schon viele Erfolge. Im IZB Freising-Weihenstephan – 15 Minuten vom Flughafen entfernt – befassen sich Wissenschaftler mit Entwicklungen im Bereich Life Science. Ein wesentliches Kriterium für den Erfolg der IZBs ist die räumliche Nähe zur Spitzenforschung auf dem Campus Martinsried/Großhadern. Vor allem die neuen Infrastrukturmaßnahmen wie der Faculty Club G2B (Gateway to Biotech), die IZB Residence CAMPUS AT HOME, die Chemieschule Elhardt, die zwei Kindergärten BioKids und BioKids2 sowie die beiden Restaurants SEVEN AND MORE und Café Freshmaker sind zum wichtigen Standortfaktor geworden. Erfolgreiche Unternehmen, die aus dem IZB hervorgegangen sind, sind zum Beispiel die Medigene AG, die Morphosys AG, die Micromet GmbH (heute Amgen AG), Octapharma GmbH, Corimmun (heute Janssen-Cilag), die Proteros GmbH, die Coriolis Pharma Research GmbH, Rigontec (heute MSD) und Exosome Diagnostics (heute Bio-Techne). Weitere Informationen unter: www.izb-online.de
Pressekontakt sowie Bild- und Filmmaterialanfragen:
Susanne Simon
Leitung Presse und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Fördergesellschaft IZB mbH, Innovations- und Gründerzentrum Biotechnologie
Am Klopferspitz 19
D-82152 Planegg-Martinsried
Tel.: 089/55 279 48-17
Fax: 089/55 279 48-29
Mobil: 0172/86 66 093
E-Mail: presse@izb-online.de
Website: www.izb-online.de