A higher omega-3 level probably protects against dying from COVID-19

The relationship between low omega-3 levels and mortality from COVID-19 is analyzed in a comprehensive study with Munich hospitals

IZB start-up Omegametrix and its American sister lab conducted a study on COVID-19 in collaboration with Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles. The result was that the probability of dying from COVID-19 was significantly lower with high levels of omega-3 in the blood than with low levels. There were 100 people included in the study who had their blood omega-3 levels determined. “It showed that the likelihood of dying was four times higher with low levels. Of the 25 patients with the highest levels of HS omega-3 index (>5.7 percent), one died, while of the 75 patients with lower levels, 13 died. After correcting for known risk factors, the 25 patients with the highest levels were 75 percent less likely to die,” said Prof. Clemens von Schacky, CEO of Omegamatrix GmbH, explaining the study.