- www.trionresearch.de
- Business segment: Diagnostic Services
- Trion Research GmbH
- Am Klopferspitz 19
- 82152 Planegg/Martinsried
- Germany
- Phone: +49 (0)89/70 07 66-0
- Fax: +49 (0)89 /70 07 66-11
- mail@trionresearch.de
Dr. Horst Lindhofer, Geschäftsführer / Managing Director
About Trion Research
Supporting the development of novel immunotherapies, TRION Research provides innovative and personalized diagnostic services and offers dedicated preclinical and clinical support. We combine leading scientific expertise in tumor immunology and virus-induced immune disorders with dedicated analytical know-how. Our services comprise liquid biopsy diagnostics with the analysis of virus-infected cells (e.g. for EBV within an S2 environment) and the detection of disseminated tumor cells in blood, urine, and other body fluids. We work together with our partners to elucidate the modes of action of new compounds and to develop tailored approaches for safety and efficacy testing.
What is your motivation?
We are interested in the development of new diagnostic tools, which are needed to elucidate the mode of action of immunotherapeutic approaches to treat cancer and/or virus-induced autoimmune diseases. We are particularly motivated by supporting our partners with implementing clinical studies by offering them tailor-made analytics. This enables us to make a significant contribution to the successful development of innovative approaches in the medical field. In the case of chronic inflammation and autoimmune diseases, it is fascinating to investigate the extent to which herpes viruses, such as EBV, can trigger or drive such diseases.
“The IZB provides the necessary infrastructure as well as communication platforms to support the development of innovative companies from the life science field.”
Dr. Horst Lindhofer, Geschäftsführer / Managing Director
TRION Research develops a new class of intact trifunctional antibodies which are specifically targeted at characteristic antigens of tumours. The advantage of these trifunctional antibodies over conventional therapeutic approaches is the fact that they simultaneously activate two immunological cascades and are thus particularly effective in destroying tumour cells.