Innovation and Start-up Center Biotechnology (IZB) welcomes Invitris

The start-up uses its platform technology to develop highly effective protein-based drugs against infectious diseases.

Invitris -

Dr. Patrick Großmann and Dr. Kilian Vogele
Invitris, managing directors

Martinsried near Munich, 28 February 2023 – The Innovation and Start-up Center for Biotechnology (IZB), one of the leading biotechnology centers in Europe, and home to over 50 biotech start-ups, today announced that the biotech company Invitris has moved into the IZB. Invitris aims to transform the way life science companies develop protein-based drugs. The start-up has developed a technology platform capable of universally synthesizing different classes of proteins in vitro within a single process. This allows Invitris to highly scale both drug discovery and production. Initially, the startup is focusing on antimicrobial proteins, such as bacteriophages or endolysins, to combat the biggest health economic threat of the coming decades: multidrug-resistant infections.

“The IZB is a lighthouse for innovation. We’re grateful to be part of this exceptional community. The provided space is essential for successfully implementing our pioneering ideas and leaving a lasting impact. We look forward to utilizing the resources and network offered by the IZB and contributing to its thriving ecosystem,” said Dr Patrick Grossmann, CEO and Co-Founder of Invitris.

“We are pleased to welcome Invitris to the IZB. There is a high unmet medical need for treatment options for infections with mutiresistant pathogens, and we are excited to follow Invitris’ continued progress in this area,” added Dr Peter Hanns Zobel, Managing Director IZB.

More info about Invitris:

About the Innovation and Start-up Center for Biotechnology (IZB) in Martinsried near Munich

The Fördergesellschaft IZB mbH, founded in 1995, operates the Innovation and Start-up Centers for Biotechnology in Planegg-Martinsried and Freising-Weihenstephan and has developed into a leading biotechnology center. More than 50 biotech companies with over 700 employees are currently based on 26,000 m2. Here, work is being done on developing drugs for the most serious diseases, such as cancer, Alzheimer’s and various autoimmune diseases. A key criterion for the success of the IZBs is the physical proximity to cutting-edge research on the Martinsried/Grosshadern campus and the Weihenstephan campus. The new infrastructure measures such as the Faculty Club G2B (Gateway to Biotech), the IZB Residence CAMPUS AT HOME, the Elhardt chemistry college, the two kindergartens Bio Kids and Bio Kids2 as well as the two restaurants SEVEN AND MORE and THE BOWL Food Lounge are also location factors that are highly valued by the founders of the company. Successful companies that emerged from the IZB include Corimmun (today Janssen-Cilag), Coriolis, Exosome Diagnostics (bought by Bio-Techn), ibidi, Immunic Therapeutics, Medigene, Micromet (today Amgen), MorphoSys, Octopharma or Rigontec (now MSD). More information at

Press contact and image material requests:
Susanne Simon, Head of Press and Public Relations
Innovation and Start-up Center for Biotechnology (IZB)
Am Klopferspitz 19
D-82152 Planegg-Martinsried
Tel.: +49 (0)89/55 279 48-17,

About Invitris GmbH
The universal platform technology from Invitris enables the generation of synthetic phages with highest yield and purity. Using this platform, the start-up develops phage-based drugs with completely novel mechanisms of action to cure drug-resistant infections.

Press contact Invitris GmbH
Invitris GmbH
Dr. Patrick Großmann, CEO
Am Klopferspitz 19
82152 Planegg-Martinsried