Life science holds the highest potential for the High-tech location Bavaria
July 2018
© Fördergesellschaft IZB mbH
(v.l.n.r.) Dr. Federico Buersgens, CEO, GNA Biosolutions GmbH, Dr. Peter Hanns Zobel, Managing Director, IZB, Heinz Durner, Representative for secondary schools in the district of Munich, Oliver Jörg, Chairman of the working group science and art of the CSU parliamentary group, Member of the state parliament, Prof. Dr. Armin Giese, Group Leader, Center for Neuropathology and Prion Research
Oliver Jörg MdL, chairman of the workgroup University and Culture in the CSU, visited the Innovation and Start-up Center for Biotechnology (IZB) in Martinsried with 30 members of the Expert Committee Research – Innovation – Technology (FIT) – the hotspot for life sciences in Europe.
“In order not to lose touch in global competition – especially with regard to America – the creation of the best possible framework conditions is of crucial importance”, said Dr. Peter Hanns Zobel. In impressive lectures, Prof. Dr. Armin Giese and Dr. Federico Buersgens focused on their research and above all, praised the excellent job opportunities at the IZB. While Prof. Giese presented his research results on combating neurodegenerative diseases (eg Alzheimer’s disease), Dr. Buersgens of GNA Biosolutions announced a new device for the ultra-fast diagnosis of resistant hospital germs that will deliver results within a few minutes. Both speakers emphasized that the Free State of Bavaria provides excellent support for start-ups through various programs.
Oliver Jörg highlighted the importance of the Health and Life Sciences sector for Bavaria and stated that, as Chairman of the Committee for Science and Culture in the Bavarian State Parliament, he would continue to strongly support this health, research and economic sector. Literally he stated: “University start-ups are a core of a dynamic, prospering economy. They go hand in hand with innovations and increased competition, thus ensuring sustainable jobs.” The Life Science business is already surpassing that of the automotive industry. Biotechnology will play a key role in the overall health care / life science landscape for global social and economic change. Finally, he gave thanks to the IZB with the managing director Peter Zobel and the chairman of the technical committee research, innovation and technology, Heinz Durner, for the execution of the successful event.